Works: Kate Mcintosh


It began with a true story – a man found drowned in a shallow river, wearing a home-made fish-suit. This passionate yet doomed attempt to escape from his own human-ness was the sparking point for Hair From the Throat .
What happens if we want to escape human nature? The blurred distinction between animal and human appeals to us while at the same time filling us with distaste. In Hair from the Throat there is a plenty of experimentation with radical self-transformation and amateurish attempts at animalism.


A project by: Kate McIntosh
Devised and performed with: Palli Banine, Diederik Peeters and Jo Randerson
Artistic advice: Lilia Mestre
Sound design: Charo Calvo
Light: Henk Vandecaveye
Costume construction: Myriam van Gucht
Production: Margarita Production for The Other vzw
Coproducers: parc de la vilette (f), sophiensdaele (d)
In partnership with: Monty (B), nadine (B), Kaaitheater (B)
With the support of: de Vlaamse overheid, het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest