Works: Kris Verdonck

Patent Human Energy

A performer positions herself like a fakir on a bed of long iron spikes placed at a distance of 4cm from each other. Microphones are placed where the body touches the spikes to register the sound of the suspended body, and also create a larger supporting surface.

Like a fakir the performer manages to obtain her position through a state of deep meditation. And meditation suggests: transcending, crossing the border of a-conscious state to non-conscious state of being, from the active to the passive. Meditation also implies a “surrendering” through which we are able to use energy, normally spend on the fight against proper “schizophrenia”, for transformation.

On 30 th of June 2004 under ‘US Patent 6, 754,472’ the American Company Microsoft patented human energy. The patent protects: a method and apparatus for transmitting power and data using the human body (…), as a conductive medium over which power and/or data is distributed. The physical resistance offered by the human body could be used to create a virtual keyboard on a patch of skin. According to the patent, the intent is to reduce device redundancy for people carrying multiple devices, such as a phone, headset, handheld, and wristwatch that all include a speaker…


Concept: Kris Verdonck
With: Karolina Wolkowiecka
Dramaturgy: Marianne Van Kerkhoven
Technical and set design: Raphaël Rubbens
Light design: Luc Schaltin
Sound design: Bart Aga
Costume design: Ann Weckx
Production: Margarita Production for stilllab vzw
Coproduction: Kaaitheater (Bruxelles/Brussel), KunstenFESTIVALdesArts, Festival La Bâtie (Genève)
With the support of: Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Thanks to: Espeel Roeselare and Kathleen Mertens