A Breath Cycle
A Breath Cycle consist of an ever-changing corpus of performances who share ‘breathing’ as their main focus. Seven performances on breathing or wherein the breath takes a central role will be presented in A Breath Cycle. All of the performances are based on a protocol.
This protocol serves as an open score that outlines the interaction of the performers, the collaboration between co-authors and frames the participation of the audience. The protocol is handed out to the audience at the entrance of the theatre and guides the audience from one breath piece to another. Following pieces will be shown in upcoming presentations of A Breath Cycle: Light’s Treshold, Being Cloud, Undressing Time, The Womb, Vanity’s Ballroom, Breath Border and Blink of the Night. In other words, following the terminology constructed by Samyn his protocol: Breath Piece number 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9. Consult our press file for more information on the protocol.

Fabrice Samyn

Fabrice Samyn

Fabrice Samyn

Hugard & Vanoverschelde

Joeri Thiry

Joeri Thiry

Joeri Thiry
Artist: Fabrice Samyn ‘Light’s Threshold’ performers: Kristina Neirynck & Angela De Roover ‘Being Cloud’ performer: Ibrahim Tamditi ‘Undressing Time’ concept, choreography and performance: Manon Santkin & Fabrice Samyn ‘Vanity’s Ballroom’ musical director: Adrian Kurth ‘Vanity’s Ballroom’ choreographic assistance: Manon Santkin ‘Vanity’s Ballroom’ performers: Julie Laporte, Nelle Hens, Maïté Jeannolin, Yasmine Youcef, Ivan Fatjo, Kevin Fay, Cassiel Gaube, Yoann Bondo, Brandon Likoyo, Emmanuelle Phuon ‘The Womb’ performers: Emmanuel Murenguko, Lemuel Quiroga, Demir Berisha, Tatyana Dimitrova Petrova, Timur Magomedgadzhiev, Ahsene Anis, Kaya Freeman, Bram Droulers, Leonie Buysse, Ana Ferper, Eugene Champoin, Gilles Van Hecke Costume design: Eva Velazquez & Fabrice Samyn Sculptures: Fabrice Samyn Production: Hiros With the support of: de Vlaamse Gemeenschap Thanks to: François Pintus, Marion Denné, STUK, Kaaitheater & été 78 Graphic design: Fabrice Samyn with Miriam Hempel www.daretoknow.co.uk