Ai, a choreographic project
A rite of change!
Mestre & Simões are working with scores to manifest the idea of constant transformation. The apparatus of the performance will be a systematic series of acts like activities, dances, videos, speeches or music displayed one after the other or next to each other creating an amalgam of relations. By adopting this fragmented format they want to engage the audience in a ritualized theater event, which is seeking to manifest the importance of process in the construction of the world.
Ai!” as all interjections is located in the margins or periphery of language, between the showing and the saying of something. If by analogy we place language as a code or as a societal structure, then interjection would be a space that functions in non-hegemonic conditions where the logical of conduct is another then the normal permitted.
The performance makes us think about a ‘rite of change’ that brings to fore what are the concerns and the state of affairs we have to deal with as a society.

Concept & creation: Lilia Mestre & Marcos Simões
In collaboration with the video artist Marcelo Mardones and the musicians Christophe Albertijn and Yannick Guédon
Production: Mokum
With the support of WP Zimmer, Netwerk Aalst, Kunstencentrum BUDA, the Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie and the artists involved
Thanks to Bains Connective and ZSenne Art Lab