Works: Kris Verdonck


1) Some different aspects of the installation HEART : A man and a woman are connected to each other with a rope, a steal cable, between them a ‘winch’, she stands in front of the audience, he on a ladder behind the curtains: when he jumps, she is pulled backwards 9m and 4m high and smashes against a wall. The man is invisible to the woman, but sometimes she felt when he wanted to jump.

2) The structure of the classical ‘pas de deux’: from this heavily coded material different movements will be distilled.

A man and woman are in a situation of absolute mutual dependence. As opposed to the situation in HEART man and woman are visible for each other. They execute their dance movements in a live loop. These movements will be deconstructed and mechanically manipulated. The machine pushes them to repeat perfectly; for which they inevitably have to trust each other. They are left to each other.


Concept: Kris Verdonck
With: Carl Vermeersch and Sanne Wutzke
Dramaturgy: Marianne Van Kerkhoven
Technical and set design: Raphaël Rubbens
Light design: Luc Schaltin
Sound design: Bart Aga
Costume design: Ann Weckx
Production: Margarita Production for stilllab vzw
Coproduction: Kaaitheater (Bruxelles/Brussel), KunstenFESTIVALdesArts, Festival La Bâtie (Genève)
With the support of: Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, de Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Thanks to: Hoger Instituut Dans / Hogeschool Antwerpen