again again again
fallo de nuovo.
Patrizia Cavalli
“Le mie poesie non cambieranno il mondo”
An “encore” is an additional, an extra performance of a musical piece at the end of a concert, from the French word meaning “again”. The French-speaking however, use “bis” or ask for “une autre”, “another one”. Encore can also be heard as “en corps”, literally “in body” (and more freely “embodiment” or “penetration”). I have always been fascinated, not only by movements themselves, but by the way movements move, from one particular body/story/time/context to another, questioning the very essence of dance, its origins, its transient nature not forgetting its erotic quality.
For Encore, I would like to ask not just one but five other dancers to re-enact my repertory as a performer in numerous dance pieces choreographed by Steve Paxton, Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker, Wim Vandekeybus, Raimund Hoghe, etc…
Encore represents a change of roles in two steps: a mixed group of five young dancers take again my parts as a performer while I take the part of the choreographer, re-organizing in time and space these various dance materials, working on counterpoints, creating unexpected links and poetic associations.

Mirjam Devriendt

Mirjam Devriendt
Concept & choreography: Vincent Dunoyer
Performers: Eva Baumann, Helena Golab, Tuur Marinus, Guillem Mont-de-Pallol & Veli Lehtovaara
Choreographic material: Anne Teresa De Keersmaecker, Etienne Guilloteau, Raimund Hoghe, Steve Paxton & Wim Vandekeybus
Photography: Mirjam Devriendt
Costumes: Anne-Catherine Kunz
Light design: Hans Meijer
Production: Mokum vzw
Coproduction: Kaaitheater, PACT Zollverein & Dans in Limburg
In collaboration with Rosas
Supported by the Flemish Community