Unexplained Dances
With the Unexplained Dances, Manon Santkin approaches dance as a perpetual movement that is already there and will always be, no matter what we seem to know about it. She wants to perpetuate dances that are feeded with what we still don’t know about them. Dances that are porous to the thoughts people have about them and listen to subjective ideologies, preferences, doubts and critiques to move even more.

Nicolas Couturier
Developed with the participation of Ilse Ghekiere and TogetherAlone // Pavle Heidler, Samuel Draper, Mira Mutka.
Research production: Kunst/Werk vzw
Production: Hiros vzw
With the supported of: Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers (FR), PianoFabriek (BE), Weld (SE), [DNA] Departures and Arrivals network which is co-financed by the Creative Europe program of the European Commission.
Thanks to: Griet Verstraelen, Chrysa Parkinson and Cecilia Lisa Eliceche.