Hiros is an organisation supporting the development of artistic trajectories.
In the realisation of its mission, Hiros puts the practice of the artists with whom it collaborates at the centre.
With an expertise accrued over many years, Hiros creates a sustainable framework for all aspects of creation and research. The collaboration is determined by the specific uniqueness of each artist and each artistic proposal.
Based on its belief in the importance of a diverse arts landscape, Hiros collaborates with both new and more established makers with hybrid processes in the performing arts.
Hiros joins forces with artists in the middle and long term and together with them, builds a network of partners in Belgium and abroad.
As an organisation part of a larger ecosystem and aware of the dynamics in society and the arts sector, Hiros advocates the interests of the individual artists, guards the space for artistic experiment and failure and develops new ways of collaborating and sharing knowledge.
Ways of collaboration
Hiros collaborates with artists in either a Trajectory Collaboration or a Project Collaboration. For all artists with whom we collaborate we work on career development.
Trajectory collaboration
On the long term, Hiros offers support in pre-production, production, promotion, administration and business management, distribution and tour management on all projects.
Project collaboration
For a specific project, Hiros offers support in pre-production, production, promotion, administration and business management, distribution and tour management of the project.
Hiros offers support in pre-production, production, promotion, administration and business management, distribution and tour management.
Hiros works together with national and international partners in all aspects of its operations, also outside the field of arts.
Hiros was created in 2015 from the merger of alternative management offices Margarita Production (Valérie Wolters and Agnès Quackels, est. 2003) and Mokum (Helga Baert, est. 2008).
Hiros is ‘desk resident’ at Kunstenwerkplaats located at Pianofabriek in Brussels, since 2017.
The name Hiros derives from Hirundo, which is Latin for swallow. During their flights, swallows constantly create new formations. As an organisation, Hiros too is constantly developing, responding to the context in which the artists and their multifaceted work are situated.
Board, general assembly & confidant person
Board: Wieter Bloemen (chairman), Katrien Darras, Goedele Nuyttens, David Weber-Krebs, Frederik Beernaert
General Assembly: Charlotte Vandevyver, Delphine Hesters, Karlien Vanhoonacker, Niek VerlindenConfidant person: Ecaterina Vidick
Juist is Juist
Hiros endorses Juist is Juist, a knowledge platform and toolbox that defines clear and fair principles and practices for collaborating in the arts sector.