Book Burning
History is clogged. There are no more revolutions. What else can we add? A play about forgetting and forgiving, about knowledge and riddles and the lack of stories.
Told by a cat, Book Burning is the story of a man who lights up while his daughter plunges into the trunk. Perhaps it is a fable. It could be a political, even a utopian play. Not because it soakes in good intentions and programs, but because it bets on the magical possibilities of language and radical imagination. Book Burning is not what it is but what it can become: a proposal for the beginning of a new world.
” A tribute to critical thought, the knowledge, humour and art of narration.(Cobra, BE)
“The alliance of the poetics and politics here is simply magical”(Le temps, CH)
“Accessible, brilliant and all things considered significant in contemporary thought, this is a must-see show!”(Laure Dasinière,FR)
“A truly original piece of theatre. Five stars hardly does it justice.” (The Latest, UK)

Hans Op de Beeck

Richard Duyck

Richard Duyck

Richard Duyck

Richard Duyck

Richard Duyck

Richard Duyck
Concept: Pieter De Buysser & Hans Op de Beeck
Image: Hans Op de Beeck
Text & play: Pieter De Buysser
Lightdesign & technician: Herman Sorgeloos
Dramaturgy: Marianne Van Kerkhoven (Kaaitheater)
English Language Coaching: Miles O’Shea
English Translation: Jodie Hruby, Miles O’Shea & Pieter De Buysser
Production: Margarita Production
Coproduction KunstenfestivaldesArts, Kaaitheater, Festival Baltoscandal (Rakvere) (E), Belluard Bollwerk International (CH), Teater Avant Garden (N), Bit Teatergarasjen (N), Brut Wien (A),Richard Jordan Productions Ltd
Project co-produced by NXTSTP, with the support of the Culture Programme of the European Union
With the support of Koninklijke Bibliotheek België, Göteborgs Dance & Teater Festival, The Flemish Government